The following Pre-Quests
- Curse of the Ghost Ship (Holy Village and Ghost Ship)
- Dangerous Turtle Isle (Athens and Turtle Isle)
- Protect Treasure (Cornwall)
Go to the Hotel in Athens with the Little Ring in your inventory
Try to go to 2nd floor, and Kidd will appear asking about the Little Ring, he will use a Sleep Bomb on you and steal the ring to open a passage to the Quatermain's Palace, follow kid by stepping on the Solomon Seal drawn on the floor and selecting Yes.
Head over to the quest mark to find Kidd trying to steal the treasure, but just when he is about to leave, Eligor and his army come to protect treasure, and fight you instead, prepare for battle:
This battle has a system set speed, not set by the agi of the monsters, still need to test some more ranges but speed 1800 can outspeed them all.
Monsters Info:
Eligor: Element Water - Level 185 - HP 58500 x 2 (Str 340, Con 244, Int 287, Wis 245)
Skills: Revival, Eddy Beating (Physical), W.T. Beating (Magical) - Is Human
Eligor Guard: Element Water - Level 160 - HP 42000 (Str 112, Con 120, Int 98, Wis 150)
Skills: Revival, Freeze, Sting Bite
Eligor Guard: Element Fire - Level 165 - HP 45000 (Str 115, Con 130, Int 90, Wis 120)
Skills: Mess (3 rounds), Hot Fire Attack, Run Bump
Eligot Guard: Element Wind - Level 155 - HP 35000 (Str 110, Con 123, Int 115, Wis 117)
Skills: Cord, Earth Shatter, Lightening attack
Eligot Guard: Element Earth - Level 150 - HP 32000 (Str 131, Con 129, Int 110, Wis 80)
Skills: Terra?, Earth Shatter, Lightening attack
* All monsters have critical damage.
Spawn Order:
2-> Eligot (2x Hp bars but no spawn)
3-> Earth -> Water -> Earth
4-> Earth (no spawn)
5-> Water -> Earth
7-> Fire (no spawn)
8-> Fire -> Wind
Suggestions: Bring a knight, use ice packs if you have low hp chars, kill waters first since they have revive skill.
After defeating Eligor's Army, talk to Eligor, he wont believe you defeated him and will let you have the treasure.
Kidd will also leave the treasure for you, click the treasure box to get your reward
1.3k speed outspeeded boss and minions. 810 speed outspeeded minions.