This quest is divided in 2 parts:
4 Deity War ( 5 first battles) and 5 Deity Coming (Last Battle)
4 Deity War:
Level 100
Preparing for battle:
For the whole quest you'll need:
- Ice packs (for all chars except the knight)
- Lots of HP/SP food (pizzas and holy waters are welcome)
- 3 alts (any element and level, can even be level 1) with 2 potatoes each.
- A few earth glazes are good aswell.
- A few feathers are good aswell.
- 1 potato on one of the chars ( on any char that will be fighting the last battle)
Recommended Team:
- 1 fire melee
- 1 wind knight with JS and over 3601 speed
- 1 char with 4k + HP (tanker or sealer)
- Questor
You will preferably use a fire melee rather than a fire mage, since the monsters have high int and magic evasion cause of that, so this can make your mage MISS on the monsters, and we dont want that.
To start this quest, talk to the fortune teller in Chang'An, after he tells your fortune, click him again and accept the challenge to fight the 4 deity beasts.
There are 2 ways to do these fights, with a knight with JS, and with potatoes. These monsters seal very often, so without Knight JS or draining their SP, these battles will take way longer. If you are planning to use potatoes, you gonna need tons of them (or lots of alts with potatoes), if you gonna use an attack pestle is good to know that unless you have some str on the char using it, you'll gonna miss a lot on these monster due to their high def, so in this guide we'll be explaining how to do these battles using a Knight with JS.
It is recommended to use Ice Packs on all chars (except the wind knight using JS) to prevent them to fly and causing some trouble during battles. It is also recommended that all chars have pets to be used as meatshields or if you have very nice pets you can use them aswell, they might be sealed often tho since the knight wont be casting JS on them.
The wind knight part can be tricky, so i'll detail it a bit to make it easier.
- First round: Cast knight JS on everyone but the knight, and escape. Right after you escape you can jump the battle back in. Since you're faster than the mobs you wont be receiving any damage.
- Second round: Vanish
- Third round: Cast knight JS on everyone but the knight again, since the knight vanished he wont be sealed.
- Fourth round: Free turn, you can heal someone or yourself.
- Fifth round: Cast knight JS on everyone but the knight, escape or have someone in the team (preferably someone who is at high hp - and wont have a chance to die in this turn) to feather the knight. If you escaped, jump right back in after that and keep repeating these steps.
1st Battle: Tigers
Speed necessary to outspeed all monsters: 1801 speed
Info about monsters:
- Boss: White Tiger Level: 185 Element: Water HP:36580 SP:25000 Str 510, Con 430, Int 580, Wis 460 Skills: Huge Pole (AoE magical atk, 6 targets)
- Yellow-Copper Tiger Level: 181 Element: Earth HP:26850 SP:15000 Str 358, Con 351, Int 320, Wis 389 Skills: Tiger Rock (Physical), Terra, Blockage
- Blue-wave Tiger Level: 182 Element: Water HP:26950 SP:15000 Str 345, Con 330, Int 305, Wis 425 Skills: Freeze
- Flaming Tiger Level: 183 Element: Fire HP:27500 SP:15000 Str 425, Con 365, Int 310, Wis 375 Skills: Hotfire, Mess
- Green Wind Tiger Level:184 Element: Wind HP:26590 SP:15000 Str 368, Con 335, Int 325, Wis 395 Skills: Cord, Huge Pole (AoE magical atk, 6 targets)
Spawn order:
2 - Boss Water(no spawn)
4 - Earth -> Fire
5 - Earth -> Wind
6 - Fire (no spawn)
7 - Wind -> Water
8 - Water -> Earth
Killing Order Suggestion: 2/6/4/5/7/8
- On first turn let your knight cast JS on Questor and 2 members (exclude knight from JS), then you can either escape with the knight ( i dont recommend logging out and in all the time) or you can have one of the high hp chars in the battle to feather the knight. Then next round you can vanish and so on, since the only magical hits here are aoe, so your wind knight will be safe.
- Kill the boss first cause it deals the higher damages among them all, next the fire since it has no spawn, then you can kill anything you prefer really.
2nd Battle: Irondinos
Speed necessary to outspeed all monsters: 2501 speed
Info about monsters:
- Boss: Iron Dino Level: 190 Element: Earth HP:42650 SP:28000 Str 580, Con 480, Int 610, Wis 430 Skills: Icy Thunder (Magical 1 target)
- Rock Irondino Level: 190 Element: Earth HP:35850 SP:18000 Str 385, Con 384, Int 356, Wis 325 Skills: Terra
- Green Irondino Level: 187 Element: Water HP:30000 SP:18000 Str 368, Con 368, Int 336, Wis 410 Skills: Freeze
- Flaming Irondino Level: 188 Element: Fire HP:34450 SP:18000 Str 395, Con 395, Int 380, Wis 385 Skills: Mess, Hotfire
- Copper Irondino Level: 189 Element: Wind HP:31500 SP:18000 Str 375, Con 375, Int 379, Wis 388 Skills: Cord
Spawn Order:
2 - Boss Earth (no spawn)
4 - Earth -> Water
5 - Earth -> Fire
6 - Water -> Earth
7 - Wind -> Wind
8 - Fire (no spawn)
Killing Order Suggestion: 2/8/7/5/6/4
- On first turn cast knight js on everyone but the knight, then escape with the knight, about as same as the tigers battle, the only problem here is that the Boss has a single target magic skill that can kill your knight ( assuming is a 0 con knight) so either have one of the chars feathering the knight or escape, wait a whole turn and jump back in. Keep doing this til the boss is dead, then you can just vanish normally. Kill the monsters in the order above, if possible seal them to make the battle shorter and receive less damage from monsters. These monsters dont deal a great damage, but if you think your chars are being pwned too easily you can have your earth char casting Earth Fairy at the beginning.
3rd Battle: Chickens
Speed necessary to outspeed all monsters: 2801 speed
Info about monsters:
- Boss: Phenix Level: 195 Element: Fire HP:53500 SP:31000 Str 650, Con 512, Int 575, Wis 532 Skills: Burning Fire (Physical 1 target)
- Flaming Phenix Level: 191 Element: Fire HP:45500 SP:20000 Str 458, Con 420, Int 450, Wis 425 Skills: Terra, Blockage
- Icy Phenix Level: 192 Element: Water HP:41500 SP:20000 Str 410, Con 412, Int 432, Wis 435 Skills: Freeze, Revival
- Fire Phenix Level: 193 Element: Fire HP:43000 SP:20000 Str 478, Con 418, Int 455, Wis 410 Skills: Mess, Hotfire Attack
- Copper Phenix Level: 194 Element: Fire HP:42500 SP:20000 Str 425, Con 408, Int 410, Wis 423 Skills: Cord
Spawn Order:
2 - Boss Fire (no spawn)
3 - Water -> Wind
4 - Fire (no spawn)
5 - Earth (no spawn)
6 - Water -> Water
7 - Wind (no spawn)
8 - Fire -> Earth
Killing Order Suggestion: 3/6/2/7/4/5/8
- In this battle the problem we have is that the water "phenix" have revival skill, and trust me it will be used if you give it a chance.
You can choose to use a few potatoes for the water monsters, which i dont like to do cause i hate getting potatoes, but if you have a lot of them, feel free to use them. You can also kill the boss and use priest skill (rest) and kill the other monsters after that, but for this you'll need to rest the monster right after it was killed, which is not always easy to forsee lol so in my opinion to have a safe quest done it is better to kill the threats first, get rid of all the water "phenix" and then you can kill the rest without worrying.
- So first of all i suggest killing the back water, a wind monster will spawn and you leave it there, dont kill it. Then move to the front water, kill it and kill the water spawn aswell. Now you're free to kill the boss, and the other monster according to the killing order suggestion.
- Again if you feel insecure about your chars hp you can use earth fairy, the boss deal some high damage. Is not mandatory to use Earth FS, but can make the battle go smooth if you have glazes to spare of course.
4th Battle: Dragons
Speed necessary to outspeed all monsters: 3501 speed
Info about monsters:
- Boss: Black Dragon Level: 200 Element: Wind HP:65000 SP:36000 Str 725, Con 625, Int 732, Wis 614 Skills: Dragon Whirlwind (6 targets magical)
- Rock Dragon Level: 196 Element: Earth HP:53000 SP:22000 Str 512, Con 438, Int 456, Wis 412 Skills: Terra, Blockage
- Icy Dragon Level: 197 Element: Water HP:49850 SP:22000 Str 498, Con 405, Int 412, Wis 445 Skills: Freeze
- Flaming Dragon Level: 198 Element: Fire HP:52500 SP:22000 Str 565, Con 425, Int 438, Wis 432 Skills: Mess, Hotfire Attack
- Speed Dragon Level: 199 Element: Wind HP:51000 SP:22000 Str 508, Con 419, Int 411, Wis 422 Skills: Cord
Spawn Order:
2 - Boss Wind (no spawn)
3 - Earth -> Fire -> Water
4 - Water (no spawn)
5 - Earth -> Wind -> Fire
6 - Water (no spawn)
7 - Fire (no spawn)
8 - Wind -> Earth
Killing Order Suggestion: 2/7/4/6/8/5/3
- One could imagine that since this is the 4th battle it would be harder than the previous, but is actually easier. Having no monster with revive helps, so here you'll just use the wind knight routine, and kill the wind boss, then fire dragon, both water dragons, wind dragon and its earth spawn, then kill both earth dragons that have 2 spawns each, is an easy battle, the only problem here is the boss who hits quite a bit but since its wind it wont take long to be killed. Again use Earth FS if you feel is necessary, atleast til the boss is dead.
5th Battle: All Bosses
Speed necessary to outspeed all monsters: Random move
Info about monsters:
- Boss: White Tiger Level: 185 Element: Water HP:36580 SP:25000 Str 510, Con 430, Int 580, Wis 460 Skills: Huge Pole (AoE magical atk, 6 targets)
- Boss: Iron Dino Level: 190 Element: Earth HP:42650 SP:28000 Str 580, Con 480, Int 610, Wis 430 Skills: Icy Thunder (Magical 1 target)
- Boss: Phenix Level: 195 Element: Fire HP:53500 SP:31000 Str 650, Con 512, Int 575, Wis 532 Skills: Burning Fire (Physical 1 target)
- Boss: Black Dragon Level: 200 Element: Wind HP:65000 SP:36000 Str 725, Con 625, Int 732, Wis 614 Skills: Dragon Whirlwind (6 targets magical)
- Earth, Water, Fire, Wind Tiger*
- Earth, Water, Fire, Wind Turtle*
- Earth, Water, Fire, Wind Phenix*
- Earth, Water, Fire, Wind Dragon*
* For these monsters please check above since they have been listed already.
Spawn Order:
2 - Water Tiger Boss -> Fire Turtle
3 - Earth Turtle -> Fire Phenix -> Earth Dragon
4 - Water Turtle -> Wind Turtle -> Wind Dragon Boss
5 - Earth Tiger -> Earth Phenix -> Wind Phenix -> Fire Phenix Boss
6 - Water Tiger -> Water Dragon
7 - Fire Tiger -> Wind Dragon
8 - Wind Tiger -> Earth Turtle Boss -> Water Swan -> Fire Dragon
Killing Order Suggestion: 8/2/7/6/3/4/5
- This battle is a bit diferent than the others, here you wont use your knight to cast JS, you'll need an earth with stone wall instead, preferably an earth who can also seal the targets.
- To start this battle you'll team the questor with the 3 alts with 2 potatoes each. Make sure the alts have pets out.You'll start battle and preferably have the questor defend or if he is earth cast stone wall on himself, wind cast vanish. You'll have to try til you move before monsters, if the monsters move first, relog or use escape button fast.
- Throw potatoes with the alts and the alts's pets, you'll need to drain everyone but the wind tiger, since your fire melee should kill it pretty fast, no need to waste 1 extra potato and 1 extra turn on it, unless you have too many potatoes, then just drain it aswell.
When you get the first move successfully, throw the potatoes with alts and pets, then logout the alts and jump in the chars who will battle (earth, fire melee, and an extra tank/sealer).
- Make sure the earth stone wall everyone, you can either defend in the round you have no wall, or if you have enough hp just do whatever you were set to do.
- Kill the Wind Tiger, then Earth Turtle Boss will spawn (careful with it since it has 1 target magical skill), then the water phenix and fire dragon. Now you killed the worst part of the battle, the water phenix that can revive, so now the battle should go smoothly.
- Try to seal the new spawns since they will have full sp and will try to seal you. Relog the chars that gets sealed and jump in again for faster battle. (Just dont relog the questor please haha)
- After battle is done you get sent outside to talk to Fortune Teller and start the last part of the quest.
5 Deity Coming:
- Level 180 or 81 rb
Deadly Hit Skill (costs 8 stars to learn it)
6th Battle: Kirin
Speed necessary to outspeed all monsters: 3601 speed
Info about monsters:
- Boss: Holy Kirin Level: 200 Element: Neutral HP:65000 SP:45000 Str 855, Con 638, Int 825, Wis 652 Skills: Blast Assault (1 target magic skill)
- Rock Kirin Level: 199 Element: Earth HP:56800 SP:25000 Str 556, Con 465, Int 489, Wis 435 Skills: Terra, Blockage
- Lightening Kirin Level: 199 Element: Water HP:56800 SP:25000 Str 532, Con 415, Int 478, Wis 456 Skills: Freeze
- Flaming Kirin Level: 199 Element: Earth HP:56800 SP:25000 Str 578, Con 448, Int 495, Wis 446 Skills: Mess
- Wind Kirin Level: 199 Element: Earth HP:56800 SP:25000 Str 520, Con 402, Int 468, Wis 425 Skills: Cord
- Earth Tiger, Water Tiger Boss*
- Fire Turtle, Earth Turtle, Earth Turtle Boss*
- Water Phenix, Fire Phenix Boss*
- Water Dragon, Wind Dragon Boss*
* For these monsters please check above since they have been listed already.
Spawn Order:
2 - Boss Kirin (no spawn)
3 - Fire Turtle -> Earth Tiger
4 - Wind Dragon Boss -> Earth Turtle -> Water Phenix -> Water Dragon
5 - Earth Kirin -> Fire Phenix Boss -> Water Dragon
6 - Wind Kirin -> Earth Turtle Boss
7 - Fire Kirin -> Water Phenix
8 - Water Kirin -> Water Tiger Boss
Killing Order Suggestion: 4/7/2/3/6/8/5
- The Kirin Boss has only 1 skill that is 1 target magical, so he will surely use it and spawn your wind knight since that would ruin your plans. So i suggest having a potato on one of the chars and draining his sp, or you can kill it first and make sure it always has priest skill on it so the water swan dont revive it. Depends on how high the hp of your chars is, cause this kirin can deal a lot of damage.
- Kill the Wind Dragon Boss and all it spawns, leave the Water Dragon alive. Kill the fire kirin and the water phenix that comes under that. Remember, Water Phenix has revive, thats why we kill it first so it dont revive any bosses or anything.
- After having the water phenix killed you can proceed killing according to the suggestion above, be careful when killing the Wind Kirin since after that comes the Earth Turtle Boss that has 1 hit magic skill that can spawn you wind knight.
- Is good to use Korean Cakes (on kirin boss) and Earth FS if you have those.
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